Blow the Man Down

I'll sing you a song,
A good song of the sea.
Way! Hey! Blow the man down!
And trust that you'll join
In the chorus with me.
Give me some time
To blow the man down.
There was an old skipper,
I don't know his name.
Way! Hey! Blow the man down!
Although he once played
A remarkable game.
Give me some time
To blow the man down.
His ship lay becalmed
In the tropical seas.
Way! Hey! Blow the man down!
He whistled all day,
But in vain, for a breeze.
Give me some time
To blow the man down.
Blow the Man Down
There are several version of this song, but for these pages we will
use this one.
law was 'rule with a fist'. 'Blow' refers to knocking a
man down.
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