While Strolling Through the Park One Day
Ed Haley

strolling through the park one day,
In the merry merry month of May;
I was taken by surprise,
By a pair of lovely eyes,
In a moment my poor heart was stole away!
A smile was all she gave to me;
Of course we were as happy as can be.
I immediately raised my hat,
And finally she remarked.
I never shall forget
That lovely afternoon
I met her at the fountain in the park.
While strolling through the park one day,
In the merry merry month of May;
I was taken by surprise,
By a pair of lovely eyes,
In a moment my poor heart was stole away!
A smile was all she gave to me;
Of course we were as happy as can be.
I immediately raised my hat,
And finally she remarked.
I never shall forget
That lovely afternoon
I met her at the fountain in the park.
While Strolling Through the Park
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